Friday, 22 July 2011

Hi There.. Remember Me? *Picture Heavy*

Ok, ok.. I realise I've literally been the WORST blogger going for the past 2 months, I'm not going to try and make excuses or anything for this though, I've just had a LOT going on and a lot of thinking to do! 

However, here I am!

Finally it's summertime, although up North I'm sure it has forgotten this and we've been inundated with torrential rain for most of the last week!

To get me back into the swing of things I thought I'd show you all a few photos from recent 'happenings' in my life; Summer Nights Out, The Boyfriends Birthday & Days with the Girls!

So there we have it.. A taster of my Summer so far!

Hopefully this will be the beginning of many Summery posts from me, if I can muster up some time outside of; Work, the Stables, the Gym & Applying for University (..Again!)

Thanks for sticking with me & hope you enjoyed a few of the photos!

Lovess Xx