Afternoon Ladies!
I realise it's been an age since I last posted, but with this rather cold snap and my newest pair of Hunter Wellies, I just couldn't resist!
I realise it's been an age since I last posted, but with this rather cold snap and my newest pair of Hunter Wellies, I just couldn't resist!
Ever since we started stocking the boots at work, even though we are predominantly a Menswear store, I just knew a purchase would have to be made. I've always been a fan of Hunter, but in the past for the more practical reasons, having 2 horses, the need for reliable footwear is very high!
However, the latest offerings from Hunter are A LOT more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than my pair for the stables!
However, the latest offerings from Hunter are A LOT more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than my pair for the stables!
These three have to be my favourites! I was so torn over what colour to go for, but in the end opted for the Gloss Black as I knew they'd go with everything!
We also stock the welly socks which fit perfectly inside the boots to keep your feet nice and warm, I went for these ones...
Of course we do also stock the Mens wellies, but of course they aren't as pretty on the eye ;)
If you fancy getting yourself a pair of Hunter Wellies or Hunter Fleece Socks then take a peek!
Which colour do you prefer? Do you already have some?